Natural support to optimise skin health and hair growth, ideal for horses with fly bite sensitivity or skin which is challenged by wet, damp or muddy conditions. EquiDermis™ works from the inside out, providing essential nutrients for strong, resilient skin and a glossy coat.
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EquiDermis™works from the inside out by providing nutrients required for healthy skin. It has been specifically formulated to provide natural support to the skin tissue, promoting a shiny, glossy coat and soothing challenged skin.
EquiDermis™is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid (Omega-3) that has various health benefits that are particularly suited for skin support. Omega-3 has natural soothing properties that calm irritated and aggravated skin. Linseed supplies amino acids that are also necessary for healthy resilient skin, whilst the herbs support the internal systems. Burdock root helps to maintain a healthy functioning liver, whilst Nettle and Clivers are added for their general tonic effects. Chamomile gently soothes dry and damaged skin.
The skin is the horse's largest organ, and its main function is to act as a protective barrier to the internal systems. Healthy skin is resilient and elastic with a smooth glossy coat and is an indicator of your horse's general health. Both Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids that are required for good general health but that cannot be made in the horse's body. As a result these fatty acids must be supplied in the diet in the correct balance, however many diets fed to horses are high in Omega-6 and low in Omega-3. Supplementing with Omega-3 will help to readjust this balance and promote healthy skin and a shiny coat.
Feed EquiDermis™:
1 level (150ml) scoop of EquiDermis® weighs approximately 70g
Feed supplements should be fed according to body weight. Introduce to the horse's diet gradually, splitting between feeds (when applicable).
EquiDermis® is a complementary feeding stuff for equine animals. Feedmark uses nothing in the formulation of this product that contravenes competition rules.