Flexamine 10:10™ is a highly concentrated formula which is suitable for all horses. It contains Glucosamine HCl, which is used by the body to help maintain articular cartilage and joint function, aiding supple and fluid movement. The other ingredient is Methyl sulphonyl methane (MSM), which further supports mobility by providing a source of Sulphur which is essential for the synthesis of connective tissue including collagen, and is also required to provide strength to articular cartilage.
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Glucosamine hydrochloride (HCl) is used by the body to maintain articular cartilage and joint function. Providing a dietary source of Glucosamine HCl helps to support the horse’s natural shock absorbing system and allow supple and fluid movement. Methyl sulphonyl methane (MSM) works alongside Glucosamine supplying Sulphur that is required to provide strength to articular cartilage, and by neutralising free radicals due to its antioxidant properties. Both of these ingredients are included to provide the recommended 10g each per day if fed at the optimum serving rate.
Amount per day
Optimum Rate
(increased support including hard work)
Maintenance Rate
(general support)
1 level (5ml) of Flexamine 10:10™ weighs approximately 4.6g
5 scoops contain 12.5g of Glucosamine HCl providing 10g of actual Glucosamine, and 10g of MSM.
Feed supplements should be fed according to body weight. Introduce to the horse's diet gradually, splitting between feeds (when applicable).
Flexamine 10:10™ is a complementary feeding stuff for equine animals. Feedmark uses nothing in the formulation of this product that contravenes FEI competition rules. Learn more about competing within the rules by clicking here.